Last Chance Animal Rescue Spain
Sponsor an Animal
Last Chance Animal Rescue Spain

Sponsor an Animal


This can be because of their age, health or behavior issues.
We always hope for an adoption, but it's very rare that an adopter can afford regular veterinary visits and high medicine costs and/or have the experience and willingness to take care of an animal with problems. Therefore, these dogs or cats will probably have to stay under our care for a very long time and sponsoring helps to cover some of the huge costs involved during their time with us at the rescue center or at one of our foster homes. Every animal that enters our care is provided with full anti parasite treatments, 6 part laboratory blood tests plus internal organs testing, fully vaccinated, micro chipped, passported and sterilised. The medical bill for each puppy or grown dog can be from 300 - 500 euros each. This amount does not include things like other operations, food etc. Each long stay animal can cost on average 50 euros for basic care, This cost does not include vet treatment and medication for any medical conditions that the animal may have and the yearly booster vaccines and repeat blood tests.
It would be wonderful if all our rescues could find a suitable loving home, but due to specific needs or temperament we accept this will most probably never happen for some of them.
This is when they become a lifetime Sanctuary animal, and we ask for your help to support them to help cover their finances 

We never put an animal to sleep unless it's very ill and

then only under the vets recommendation

*To Sponsor a Cat* Click here



Help us to maintain a happy and deserving good life for our long term dogs.

*Your Sponsorship is only from 5€ per month, which will help towards their care*

We will email you a Certificate with a photo of the Dog you choose


Her story has been a real roller-coaster of a ride.Initially she had to be trapped heavily pregnant and came to us, she was totally feral. She lived in our outside kennel and gave birth to 9 pups. It took months to get near her. We brought the pups into the house at 6 weeks old to ready them for adoption. It still took Gypsy 2 months to build up the confidence to tentatively step foot into our home. She wanted to escape, she was initially terrified of people. She escaped from her neutering appointment at the vets and it took 4 weeks of trapping to get her back.This dog has taken years of hard work and patience and love to gain her trust, to see her realize this is a good safe loving place to be. She would constantly escape, but come back for food. Then she stopped escaping, she chilled out and is now part of the family. A totally different dog from the one who was brought to us 7 years ago. Years of gentle persuasion and we now have a loving relationship with her. There was no way we could rehomed her. So she became a Sanctuary dog and will spend her life where she feels safe.


We call her Twinkle Toes. She was found in a dustbin as a pup. She has a disability. All 4 paws are deformed, making walking appear peculiar. She has 4 clubbed paws. She cannot run around for long periods as then it makes her legs ache and she then limps until she is rested. Long term she will suffer from arthritis, as a result of her deformaty. Twinkle is absolutely delightful. A real character, somewhat bossy at times, but also extremely funny.I personally took on Luna aka Twinkle Toes quickly realised she needed to stay under our care as she does need regular vets attention for her walking and arthritis. So she is regarded as a Sanctuary dog.


Male, mastin, cross breed, 50 kilo, date of birth 01.05.2017.

Lucas was rescued as a puppy, his siblings all found homes, but Lucas was returned to us when he displayed serious fear aggression. He never got off the transport, we had to go collect him from Murcia and bring him back to us. It made us question nature V nurture, as Lucas had been reared in our foster care and all his siblings were confident and went on to make great family pets, but Lucas had always been the shy puppy, leaving the safety of the foster home he knew affecred him greatly. He refuses to accept kindness for anyone he does not know and has a bond with, he is a big powerful dog and could do a lot of damage if he was to be pushed outside his comfort zone. So he has stayed with Last Chance, under our care where he grew up and where he lives happily in his pack of humans and dogs.add your own text.

DOB 01.03.2018
Breed Type - German Shepherd
life on a chain, unloved, beaten, and was left to starve to death slowly because he was unwanted and became fear aggressive as a result of the terrible life he had.
After months of working with him, now he is getting much better with a small group of people.
He is in good health, a few visible war wounds from his past life, and a bit of arthritis in his back legs, but not severe.
Passported, chipped, blood tested, castrated.
We would only consider adoption to an experienced dog trainer who can work with Bear


JOHNNY was born in 2005 and has had a hard life. Lately he had his skin torn off from his back by his companions at the local dog pound and had his leg dislocated then he was adopted by a Spanish man but the dog escaped and was involved in a car accident. He was rescued and we took him to the vet and the owner was contacted as the dog had been chipped at the Pound. Due to the expense of the treatment the man no longer wanted the dog and we made him sign the over to us. This is the video of Johnny taken a few days after his operation.

DANTE & ACHILLES  Born 30/01/2019 Came to us at 6 months of age, both totally feral and still cannot be trusted around strangers. We work daily with their fear aggression, but these dogs will never be suitable to be homed


Born 30/01/2019
Came to us at 6 months of age, both totally feral and still cannot be trusted around strangers. We work daily with their fear aggression, but these dogs will never be suitable to be homed

MARINA  Born 2013 and her three 7-week old girls were walking along the side of a busy road. Marina was limping badly so we took her to the vet only to find out that it is an old injury. Her front paw is crushed or badly broken and the same further up her leg. How much she must have suffered, poor little thing and on top of all done, getting pregnant. We have a dilemma as the vet says that it cannot be operated on with a good result do to the amount of fractures, this mean that she will be wearing out her paw from rubbing on the floor and we are not sure what pain she is in or will be in the future as she holds it up all the time. The other option is to take the leg off and she will probably be better off as dog on three legs still have a happy life. She is a real friendly little girl. Don’t know how she was suppose to hunt to help feed her litter considering the state of her leg?. We also did a Leishmaniasis test and was positive and very high so she needs expensive medication to keep the level down as well as tablets to control the level. The tablets will probaby be for the rest of her life.


Born 2013 and her three 7-week old girls were walking along the side of a busy road. Marina was limping badly so we took her to the vet only to find out that it is an old injury. Her front paw is crushed or badly broken and the same further up her leg. How much she must have suffered, poor little thing and on top of all done, getting pregnant. We have a dilemma as the vet says that it cannot be operated on with a good result do to the amount of fractures, this mean that she will be wearing out her paw from rubbing on the floor and we are not sure what pain she is in or will be in the future as she holds it up all the time. The other option is to take the leg off and she will probably be better off as dog on three legs still have a happy life. She is a real friendly little girl. Don’t know how she was suppose to hunt to help feed her litter considering the state of her leg?. We also did a Leishmaniasis test and was positive and very high so she needs expensive medication to keep the level down as well as tablets to control the level. The tablets will probaby be for the rest of her life.

ZORBA  We think he was born around 2014.  He was rescued from a bad situation and is afraid of persons. We have had him since June 2015 and he is only just starting to relax more. He is now gaining my trust with us and walks on the leash but cannot be with strangers on a walk or let loose as for sure he would not come back


We think he was born around 2014.

He was rescued from a bad situation and is afraid of persons. We have had him since June 2015 and he is only just starting to relax more. He is now gaining my trust with us and walks on the leash but cannot be with strangers on a walk or let loose as for sure he would not come back

CANDY  Born 2015-. She is a very friendly and lovely Podenco female. Loves her cuddles, is gentle, very alert and very agile, typical of her breed. She walks on the leash, however she can never be taken for a walk without a leash and can jump a 2m fence from a stand still position and would probably not come back. With all that energy it was sooner or later that someomething would happen and she tore some ligaments on her leg with has left her with pemanent damage


Born 2015-. She is a very friendly and lovely Podenco female. Loves her cuddles, is gentle, very alert and very agile, typical of her breed. She walks on the leash, however she can never be taken for a walk without a leash and can jump a 2m fence from a stand still position and would probably not come back. With all that energy it was sooner or later that someomething would happen and she tore some ligaments on her leg with has left her with pemanent damage

MAIKA  Born 2015.  A medium-sized Podenco. A sweet and gentle young lady with a loving character. She is super with other dogs and people and is very attentive. Podenco's are very special, loyal and loving pets. In a well-protected environment,  Maika likes to show off her skills such as running around and returning a ball. She runs neatly with harness on the leash. However, she is very submissive an recently tore a igament, which has left her with permanent damage


Born 2015.

A medium-sized Podenco. A sweet and gentle young lady with a loving character. She is super with other dogs and people and is very attentive. Podenco's are very special, loyal and loving pets. In a well-protected environment,

Maika likes to show off her skills such as running around and returning a ball. She runs neatly with harness on the leash. However, she is very submissive an recently tore a igament, which has left her with permanent damage

SCOTTY  Born 2017.  He was wandering around someone's front gate and was caught after a few days of feeding.  This nervous little pup is now learning what love is for the first time in his young life.  However as time has gone by he has got more nervous and barks a lot out of fear


Born 2017.

He was wandering around someone's front gate and was caught after a few days of feeding.

This nervous little dog is now learning what love is for the first time in his young life.

However as time has gone by he has got more nervous and barks a lot out of fear

EVA  Born 2015. I was found in the living in the countryside with my 5 puppies, I was a very young single mum and life was hard. Luckily a kind man phoned animals in distress and my life changed forever. Had shelter, regular food and a safe place for me and my babies. I live with my foster mum, she is the kindest person I have ever met. My foster mum has been very patient and calm with me and I have been here so long now that to move me would not be a good idea as I am still very nervous of people


Born 2015.
I was found in the living in the countryside with my 5 puppies,
I was a very young single mum and life was hard.
Luckily a kind man phoned animals in distress and my life changed forever. Had shelter, regular food and a safe place for me and my babies.
I live with my foster mum, she is the kindest person I have ever met. My foster mum has been very patient and calm with me and I have been here so long now that to move me would not be a good idea as I am still very nervous of people


Date of Birth 24.07.2015
Minda was rescued along with her friend from the home where their owner had died. Minda was soon seen to be epileptic as she threw regular fits, which in the early days were extremely severe and very worrying. We have Minda in a wonderful foster home that we think will be a forever foster, where she has her fits regularly monitored and her medication changed to suit her needs. Currently we have improved Mindas life tremendously with the fits now under control, but any slight stress does seem to aggrevate her situation, so we think she needs to remain in her safe comfort zone where she has a wonderful quality of life.

UPDATE  February2024

She has epilepsy, the fits are now under control, she also has Leish and diabetes and osteoarthritis, all of which require medication that runs out at around 200 euro every month.

TUFA Date of birth 10.12.18.  Tufa was found with her sister as a tiny pup with a nasty break in her back leg. he break was fixed by our bone specialist vet.. as she has grown it has become obvious that there are further problems with her development around the break and her hips.  She is currently undergoing constant supervision at the vets with regular xrays. The pins had to be removed from the old break and now we move on to the developing problems with her hips.

Date of birth 10.12.18.

Tufa was found with her sister as a tiny pup with a nasty break in her back leg. The break was fixed by our bone specialist vet.. as she has grown it has become obvious that there are further problems with her development around the break and her hips.

She is currently undergoing constant supervision at the vets with regular xrays. The pins had to be removed from the old break and now we move on to the developing problems with her hips.

LINDA  14.03.2019.  PODENCO - FEMALELinda was rescued from the streets, starving and very afraid. She is now in our shelter and getting lots of love and trust.  She has severe anxiety issues, she is a lovely dog but frightened of her own shadow




Linda was rescued from the streets, starving and very afraid. She is now in our shelter and getting lots of love and trust.

She has severe anxiety issues, she is a lovely dog but frightened of her own shadow.

Linda is so happy living in her small dog pack at the rescue center that she is living her best life free of stress and a home life would not suit Linda.



He was born in 2009.

He has controllable health issues, but they are costly.

He is in a forever foster home under the umbrella of Last Chance and is under our vet for heart medications, Leishmaniasis and also prone to strokes. He is so settled with his foster it would be detrimental to even consider moving him. He has a good quality of life but requires regular vets checkups to monitor his condition and monitor his medication regime 

Sponsor a Cat

Last Chance Animal Rescue Spain

Female Cat
Born March 2023?
Neutered and blood tested and vaccinated
Used to living indoors only at the moment.
Rescued with mum and litter mates from wandering around our dog shelter as that was definitely not a safe environment for them.
They were in a poor state as kittens.
They have lived as indoor cats as long as we have had them in our care.  Came from a feral mother. Need high quality diet and vitamin supplements, and regular vets checks as the first sign that the mouth looks sore, they have to get immediate medication. Finding a suitable home who can take in this cat is looking impossible, so has become a sanctuary animal.

Male Cat
Borm March 2023?
Castrated and blood tested and vaccinated
Used to living indoors only at the moment.
Rescued with mum and litter mates from wandering around our dog shelter as that was definitely not a safe environment for them.
They were in a poor state as kittens.
They have lived as indoor cats as long as we have had them in our care. They came from a feral mother,

Came from a feral mother. Need high quality diet and vitamin supplements, and regular vets checks as the first sign that the mouth looks sore, they have to get immediate medication. Finding a suitable home who can take in this cat is looking impossible, so has become a sanctuary animal. 

Male Cat
Born March 2023?
Castrated and blood tested and vaccinated
Used to living indoors only at the moment,Rescued with mum and litter mates from wandering around our dog shelter as that was definitely not a safe environment for them.They were in a poor state as kittens.They have lived as indoor cats as long as we have had them in our care. They came from a feral mother.Need high quality diet and vitamin supplements, and regular vets checks as the first sign that the mouth looks sore, they have to get immediate medication.Finding a suitable home who can take in this cat is looking impossible, so has become a sanctuary animal. 


Female Cat

D.O.B. 2021 approx.

Neutered and blood tested and vaccinatedUsed to living indoors only at the moment,Rescued with mum and litter mates from wandering around our dog shelter as that was definitely not a safe environment for them.They were in a poor state as kittens.They have lived as indoor cats as long as we have had them in our care. They came from a feral mother.Need high quality diet and vitamin supplements, and regular vets checks as the first sign that the mouth looks sore, they have to get immediate medication.Finding a suitable home who can take in this cat is looking impossible, so has become a sanctuary animal.


LUNA  Born 1.01.2009.  She was original saved from the street as a feral cat and has been with us foir many years, was very scared at first but now just timid.  She has been in our cattery for so long that she sees this as her home.  She is one of our long term cats.


Born 1.01.2009.

She was original saved from the street as a feral cat and has been with us foir many years, was very scared at first but now just timid.

She has been in our cattery for so long that she sees this as her home.

She is one of our long term cats.

CUPCAKE  Born 1.12.2017.  She was rescued when she was about 1 year old. Very friendly nature and was rehomed in 2019 to an elderly lady that eventually went back to UK and could not take her.  We feel it was an excuse as well as the fact that since then, we have been told that Cupcake would hardly use the dirt tray and would do her jobs wherever she likes.


Born 1.12.2017.

She was rescued when she was about 1 year old. Very friendly nature and was rehomed in 2019 to an elderly lady that eventually went back to UK and could not take her.

We feel it was an excuse as well as the fact that since then, we have been told that Cupcake would hardly use the dirt tray and would do her jobs wherever she likes.

BLACKY  Born 15.09.2014.  He was trapped as a feral cat when he was about 2 yeras old.  Had to be separeted in our cattery as he would d fight with the other cats. After several month, he was integrated and is now ok . and although there are still arguments, there are no claws ashowing.


Born 15.09.2014.

He was trapped as a feral cat when he was about 2 yeras old.

Had to be separeted in our cattery as he would d fight with the other cats. After several month, he was integrated and is now ok . and although there are still arguments, there are no claws ashowing.